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My name is Amanda Greig,

I am a certified Grief Recovery Specialist, practicing the Grief Recovery Method.


I am married with 4 grown up children. Having gone through various heart aches over the last two decades, I embarked upon a journey to heal my heart, this method has been life changing for me and I want to share the healing process I too have experienced.


I provide an ear to listen with a heart that cares. 


Whether you have any queries or questions or if you are just curious of the process, please feel free to contact me. 

Hi, I'm Amanda Greig. I'm a Grief Recovery Specialist in Telford Shropshire.

Let's Talk
About Me

My Services.

One on one.

To be able to heal other people’s hearts, I had to heal my own first and this method has been life changing for me and I want to share the healing process I too have experienced.

Have you experienced a death, divorce, loss of health or the end of a romantic relationship? Or has your grief been caused by any of the forty other losses that a person might experience such as moving, pet loss, or a change in finances? Regardless of the cause, you know how you feel and it probably isn’t good.
I’m not going to tell you, “i know how you feel,” because i don’t. Neither does anyone else. What i will do is provide a safe environment where you will be given specific tools to help you recover from loss and ultimately lead a happier life, All you will need is an open mind.

Group Sessions

Group sessions are currently a working progress. I will be focusing on one on one sessions until further notice. 



Author unknown

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